Welcome to another Freebie Friday! Here is a list of some of the more Coolio & The Gang Freebies/Sweepstakes/Deals I have come across this week. I hope you are able to take advantage of some of them & if you end up winning one of the Sweepstakes, Gilby & I would love to hear all about it!
This is our last weekend with Brandon, before he starts his Senior Year on Tuesday! I can't believe the summer is already over for us, he goes back early because his Football team needs to get ready for a game they are playing on 8/25 & is being on ESPN 8/25. He is soo excited & has worked soo hard this summer working out (everyday)! We have been visiting colleges this summer & he got his license as well, so I guess that's another reason why it has seemed so fast. Military is not like Puplic School where you at least get part of your Drivers Ed there (back in my day-you got both behind the wheel & drivers ed). So it took over a month to finish both & was not cheap!
Anywhoodle who, his first leave weekend isn't until October, so other than Football games I won't be able to see my Bubba until then. Even though I get very sad at this time of year, I am soo thankful to have been able to spend almost the entire summer with him. This time next year he will know where he's going to College & we will be getting ready for that & then the "official" Empty Nest Syndrome will take place, although it has seemed that way since he started FUMA 5 years ago & because his older brother left for the Air Force a year before then. It's Unbelievable how time goes by soo fast!
So, this weekend will be full of last meal requests...LOL- Steak Salad, Chicken Salad Croissants, French Dip & probably a Steak Dinner out. The boy loves him some Salad & Steak. Will probably visit Sweet Frog (frozen yogurt place) again :) going to see the new Batman movie AND the rest of the time will just be spent chilling with Gillby & probably watching the Olympics. Go USA!!!
Some Crafting Freebies-
MyScrapChick has a CUTE Rocket Ship SVG-you just have to sign up for her news letters
Go to the "Freebie" Section & there's a spot for you to sign up to get exclusive Freebies!
Fancy Pants has a cute "Little Sport Photo Frame"
Feel like I just got the gold medal for finding this LOL, BrokenBoxStock has pages of Free Digi Stamps AND they are Adorable!!!
Dustin Pike has a cute Scarecrow & Pumpkins, both colored Digi & non-colored.
Free Clark & Kensington Paint Sample at Ace, Printable Coupon. Sat 8/4 only.
One of my Favorite Stamp Companies "OCL" short for Our Craft Lounge is having their final release party with lots of blog candy. Today is the last day to get your comments in!
Want to send your BFF a card this Summer, but you've been too busy to make one, here's your chance, you can get a Free one the Card Store + Free Shipping. Ends 8/5
Some Cool Sweepstakes-(Warning, some of these Sweepstakes require that you "like" several FB pages, etc)
Win an I-Pad a day. Enter Once a Day. Ends 8/9
Win a $100 Amazon Giftcard. Ends 8/17
I don't know about you all, but I LOVE Churros, you can enter to win your very own Churro maker here.
Win a $25 Starbucks Giftcard. Ends 8/14
No weekend would be complete with out Pizza & a Movie
Here are some Papa John Codes (I hope they aren't just for my area)
Order Any Large Pizza & 2 Liter Pepsi Product Online for $12.99-F803LGFP Ends 8/6
Here's a list of ongoing RedBox Codes
Thanks for stopping by!

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